Mr Jean Paul Forceville ChairUPU Postal Operations Council, La Poste France

Mr Jean Paul Forceville
Jean Paul graduated from Paris Business School in 1979 and then from the Ivy League College for Post and Telecommunications in 1986.

He entered La Poste in 1979.

After various senior positions, from 2001 to 2014, he was Director for External Relations including European and International Affairs starting in 2004.

In April 2018, he has been appointed Director, International and European Relations.

He chaired, the management board of PostEurop, the association of 53 European public postal operators (2011-2022).

At the 27th Universal Postal Union Congress he was elected President of the Postal Operations Council for the Abidjan cycle 2022-2025.

7th June, Wednesday

Time Session
Session 5: Electronic Advance Data - policy frameworks, regulatory and practical challenges, and data quality
Mr Jean Paul ForcevilleChairUPU Postal Operations Council, La Poste France Moderator ChairUPU Postal Operations Council, La Poste France
Mr Akihiro OdaDirector of Customs ClearanceMinistry of Finance, Japan Speaker Director of Customs ClearanceMinistry of Finance, Japan
Mr Cleatus HuntUSCBP Speaker USCBP
Mr David PilkingtonChairUPU POC Customs Group, Royal Mail UK Speaker ChairUPU POC Customs Group, Royal Mail UK
Dr Tanya HarringtonChief Regulatory OfficerAn Post Ireland Speaker Chief Regulatory OfficerAn Post Ireland