Mr Li Wuchang Vice PresidentCainiao, Alibaba Group

Mr Li Wuchang
Mr. LI Wuchang is the VP of Cainiao Group, in charge of customer service, risk management and public affairs. He has been working on logistics and e-commerce industry for more than 18 years, and has rich experiences in courier operation, quality control, logistics strategy of e-commerce platforms and customer experiences.

After joining Alibaba Cainiao, he is dedicated to establishing and enhancing service and risk-control system for the company, with a view to building Cainiao as a reliable logistics partner of customers around the world.

6th June, Tuesday

Time Session
Session 4: Cross-border e-commerce in postal items- what data works best and how can it be utilized?
Ms Wendy EitanDirector E-commerceUniversal Postal Union (UPU) Moderator Director E-commerceUniversal Postal Union (UPU)
Mr Li WuchangVice PresidentCainiao, Alibaba Group Speaker Vice PresidentCainiao, Alibaba Group
Dr Toni MännistöHead of ResearchCross-border Research Association Speaker Head of ResearchCross-border Research Association
Mr Viggo ElsterNorwegian Customs Speaker Norwegian Customs
Ms Stephanie GloverCanada Post Corporation Speaker Canada Post Corporation